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Is your 'normal' headache normal?

Updated: May 17, 2023

Headaches are so common that they are almost an accepted part of day-to-day life. In fact, 9 out of 10 Australians suffer from headaches! However, we’re here to let you know that whilst headaches are very common, they are not “normal”!

A headache is often a signal that there’s something wrong. An easy example is dehydration - your body is letting you know that it needs something fixed, in this case drinking more water. We’ve probably all experienced this in a wet season in Broome!

Whilst there are many things that can trigger a headache, research concurs on one thing - 95% of headaches come from the neck.
A subset of headaches can come from pathological (bad) causes – always make sure to mention headaches to your Broome chiropractor, so they can rule out serious problems! Chiropractors undergo 5 years of university study and are well trained in diagnosis.
Headaches are commonly cared for at Cable Beach Chiropractic in Broome

A bit about headaches:
There are 2 categories of headache: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are originating from usually a musculoskeletal cause. Secondary headaches are caused by pathology, and are happily far less common.

Most primary headaches fall under one of the following three categories. These can respond well to chiropractic care.

1. Cervicogenic headache: this is the type of headache that starts on one side of the neck or base of the head and progresses up and into the head. It is commonly due to dysfunction of the bones and muscles of the neck, and can respond well to chiropractic care. Common causes of this type of headache is poor posture, poor desk ergonomics, or poor neck function.

2. Tension-type headaches: this headache typically feels like a “band” of dull aching with occasional sharper pain wrapping around the head, and often comes with pressure behind the eyes. It is commonly worsened by stress, but can also come on due to poor posture – think end-of-the-working-week looming-deadlines headache! It can be associated with jaw tension, tight shoulders and neck stiffness, and can affect sleep. A third of men and almost half of all women get this headache! It can be common in teenagers and affects focus and ability to socialise.

3. Migraine: there are several different categories of migraine, ranging from a slow-onset one sided moderate throbbing headache, to sudden onset nausea, dizziness and severe pain meaning the person has to lie in a dark room until it is over. Migraines can be highly debilitating, and disproportionately affect women. Migraine types include:
Migraine with aura: usually preceded by feelings of nausea, sensitivity to light and/or sound, dizziness
Migraine without aura: no preceding symptoms, just the headache
Vestibular migraine: common migraine symptoms + vertigo
Menstrual / cyclic migraine: preceding the period, or sometimes with ovulation
Abdominal migraine: think of it like a “headache in the stomach”, including stomach pain, nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting. These are more common in children
Research and clinical experience show that they can respond well to chiropractic care!

Cluster headaches: as indicated these headaches occur in clusters, lasting from hours to days, then often nothing at all for days to weeks to months.

There are lots of other causes of headache. These include dehydration, caffeine, caffeine withdrawal, medication overuse, fatigue, jaw tension, sinus, blood pressure, physical exertion, and even post-orgasmic headache. Your Broome chiropractor will talk you through a thorough history to determine factors contributing to or causing your headaches, and help you get to the bottom of it!

There are some symptoms to be aware of that mean you should immediately seek medical care, even if you are a regular sufferer of headaches or migraine. These include:
- “Worst headache you’ve ever had”, also called a thunderclap headache
- Fever or stiff neck
- Confusion
- Seizures
- A headache after a head injury
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of vision
- A progressively worsening headache lasting days
- Changes to your “usual” headache or migraine

What can you do?
Addressing common irritants can be a good place to start, such as:
Ensure you’re drinking 2L of water per day (more after exercise or in hot weather!)
Assess your work desk ergonomics and address problems
Neck and upper back stretches
Regular light, low impact exercise
If you work at a desk get up and move around regularly
Avoid jaw clenching
Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation
Look at your pillow, and ask your chiro at Cable Beach Chiropractic for advice if you think it needs replacing

How can your chiro help?
Cable Beach Chiropractic cares for headaches in Broome

We start with a thorough health history to determine the cause of your headaches, plus any underlying issues. An examination will then assess how your body is functioning, and determine any areas of dysfunction. Treatment can include soft tissue work on tight muscles, adjustments to address joint dysfunction and instruction in stretches and exercises to help the area. Chiropractors commonly address lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, workplace ergonomics, sleep hygiene and stress management to help you function at your best.

So, we’re here to let you know that:
You shouldn’t get headaches sitting at the computer.
You shouldn’t get a headache just before your period.
You shouldn’t get a headache by the end of the work week.
You shouldn’t get a headache after working out.
You most certainly should not get your “normal daily (or weekly) headache”.

There is help available!

Dr. Stephanie Marslen is a chiropractor working in Broome, WA. She owns Cable Beach Chiropractic, where she provides chiropractic care to Broome and surrounds.

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