Stress is a very common topic of conversation at Cable Beach Chiropractic, and for good reason – the current stats say that over 90% of all illness has its root cause in stress (the other fraction is genetic!).
Stress isn’t just emotional – it can be physical, such as microtrauma caused by bad posture day in, day out, or chemical, with the more obvious ones being cigarettes and alcohol and the less obvious being pesticides and air pollutants. As Chiropractors we can certainly help with the physical aspects, and help advise you on how to improve your health in other areas.
A lot of these stressors are unavoidable – for example we can’t help the air we breathe (although in Broome we’re lucky to have beautiful clean air!). Regardless, there are simple things we can do to help our bodies cope and thrive in the face of challenge.
1. Meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to calm your stress and boost your brain health. Studies have shown an increase in cortical thickness, i.e. a bigger brain, in as little as 8 weeks of a beginners meditation course. It also decreases anxiety and depression, and boosts your immune system, helping your body fight off chemical nasties. If you’re reading this thinking “I’ve tried, it doesn’t work for me”, well, I’ve been there too. Start with sitting down for 2 minutes and day, and try again.